The Combination Of Garlic And Honey Chases Away Diseases

The Combination Of Garlic And Honey Chases Away Diseases
The Combination Of Garlic And Honey Chases Away Diseases

The combination of garlic with honey strengthens the body's defenses. Viruses and bacteria have been shown not to develop resistance to propolis. And garlic contains very strong antimicrobial elements.

The combination of honey, garlic and apple cider vinegar has an amazing effect on the body. The list of healing properties of this combination is long - it has a beneficial effect on various conditions associated with impaired functions of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Honey, garlic and vinegar are even believed to fight cancer (especially breast, colon, esophagus and skin), infertility, hemorrhoids and joint pain.

Preparing the miraculous mix does not require much effort - mash 8 cloves of garlic, add to them 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar (preferably homemade) and mix well. If you have a chopper or blender, you can use it to better mix the products.

Everything is placed in a glass container, closed and left to stand in the refrigerator for 5 days. Take 2 tablespoons added to water or juice about 20 minutes before eating.

The results will be noticeable in at least two weeks. Problems with high blood pressure are normalized and the body's defenses are strengthened. Regular intake also leads to the correction of overweight.

Honey and lemon
Honey and lemon

According to ancient Tibetan recipes, honey and garlic are most effective when mixed with lemon. The recipe here is similar to the previous one, as the quantities of the products are larger and lemon is used instead of vinegar.

Mix 10 heads of garlic, the juice of 10 lemons and 1 kg of honey. The liquid stays in the jar for at least 8 days, taking one tablespoon in the morning and before eating.

The bee product, called gluten tincture, strengthens the immune system and successfully fights diseases. In older people, it is recommended to take up to 30 drops a day, and in case of flu and colds, the amount can be tripled. Children can take as many drops of gluten tincture a day prophylactically as they are (the product is not recommended for children under 3 years).

Garlic can quickly help the body get rid of seasonal ailments. It is important to consume it raw. Thus, the substance allicin, contained in the cloves, counteracts bacteria and viruses.
