Blueberries Are A Gift From God

Blueberries Are A Gift From God
Blueberries Are A Gift From God

Cranberries and blackberries were a favorite fruit in ancient Greece. The Greeks used small berries as a remedy for toxins in the body.

Blueberries are fighters against a bunch of diseases. One glass of cranberry juice a day is enough to charge us with energy. Blueberries also help the eyes with computer pain. This is done with the help of carotene, which is contained in them.

The berry, which also contains many minerals, vitamins and trace elements, slows down aging and enhances memory. Cleanses sugar and cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels. And the sodium and potassium in blueberries melt the pounds and neutralize toxins in the body.

Cranberry is like a vacuum cleaner in the stomach, where it cleanses the intestines and helps it work better. Experts advise people whose professions require good eyesight to often include blueberries in their menu.

Cranberry fruits and leaves are also used in joint and skin diseases.


A bowl of cranberries for breakfast invigorates and makes us more efficient thanks to vitamins A, C, B, P, PP, protein, pectin, cellulose.

Cranberry is rich in vitamin C, minerals, tannins, fiber, trace elements, Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. Red berries sweep away bad cholesterol in the body and stabilize blood pressure.

Cranberry leaves are used for inflammation and urinary tract stones. The juice prevents the formation of dental plaque and fights caries.

Cranberries are pleasant to eat and after processing. In addition to juices, they are used to make jams, jams, syrups, liqueurs, jellies, wine… Processed, blueberries are long-lasting, do not ferment and are a delicious vitamin compote on cold days.

It is recommended to pick blueberries early in the morning. At this time of day are considered to be the richest in vitamins and juices, cooks advise.
