How Long Does It Take To Process Different Drinks From The Stomach?

How Long Does It Take To Process Different Drinks From The Stomach?
How Long Does It Take To Process Different Drinks From The Stomach?

Everyone has heard that some people have a better digestive system than others and that some drinks, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic, are processed faster than others. Unfortunately, there is no exact data on which drink is processed for how long.

This depends on whether it is alcoholic or non-alcoholic and on whether it is carbonated or non-carbonated, as well as on the individual characteristics of the human body. Here's what you need to know about the processing of various stomach drinks:

- When preparing freshly squeezed juice and wondering how long your body will process it, you should consider whether fruits and vegetables are alkaline or acidic, because alkaline fruits and vegetables are processed in a much shorter time than acidic ones. For example, a person processes fruits such as pineapple, cherries and grapefruit for about 2 hours, and apples, carrots, bananas, watermelons and apricots - for nearly 3 hours. Surprising is the fact that as gentle as it may seem, the melon is processed by the human body for over 3 hours;

- When buying ready-made juice, whether carbonated or not, always look at what preservatives it contains. For example, E270, which is widely added to soft drinks, is very difficult for the body to process. It is not even recommended for children;

- When we consider alcoholic beverages, the variety in the processing of alcohol from the stomach can vary greatly. It is quite possible that people who are underweight will be able to process alcohol faster than people who are overweight;


- According to most experts, the processing of 50 ml of vodka and 100 ml of champagne takes about 1-1.5 hours, and for 500 ml of beer - less than 1 hour. At the same time, however, 100 ml of cognac and 200 ml of wine decompose in about 3.5-4 hours. The body needs even more time if it consumes hard alcohol along with beer, champagne or other carbonated alcohol. And remember that these are still sample calculations and you don't need to try them in practice;

- Almost all carbonated drinks contain a large amount of sugar, which is difficult to break down by the body and also creates the feeling of constant hunger.
