Healthy Food For Every Blood Type

Healthy Food For Every Blood Type
Healthy Food For Every Blood Type

Chemical reactions have been found to occur between our blood type and the food we ingest. The main reason for this lies in lectins, which are proteins of plant origin found in food. They are sometimes incompatible with the foods we eat.

About 95% of lectins are excreted by our immune system, but the remaining 5% enter the body and disrupt the normal functioning of some organs. The result - a slowdown in metabolism, weight gain and even disease.

Zero blood type

People who have it have increased stomach acidity, which is a prerequisite for easy digestion of meat. Products such as legumes, bread and cereals, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower are highly not recommended. They are unsuitable for you because they suppress the secretion of thyroid hormones, which slows down the metabolism and leads to the putting of rings on top. Legumes contain lectin, which is deposited in muscle tissue and makes them incapable and unbearable to exercise. Therefore, people with blood type 0 need intense exercise.


Blood type A

If you belong to this blood group, vegetarianism is best for you. If you do not eat meat and more toxic foods, you will easily start to lose weight and even strengthen your immune system. Eating local products only puts an unnecessary strain on your body, as a result of which you feel tired and exhausted. You can eat nuts and seeds at will, because they are rich in plant proteins. Here, too, legumes are contraindicated. They cause a drop in insulin production, which can lead to weight gain and even diabetes. Eat lots of vegetables, but less dairy because they slow down your digestion.

Blood group B

Your main enemy is lectins, and they are found in abundance in corn, lentils, sesame seeds, peanuts, etc. If you overdo these foods, you will feel tired and exhausted and will slow down your metabolism. Gluten, which is found in wheat germ and whole grains, is also not recommended, as is chicken meat due to its high lectin content.


Instead, focus on ocean fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Eliminate all types of nuts and rye products from your menu, because they can cause blood and weight problems. Tomatoes irritate your stomach.

Blood group AB

You can get useful proteins for your body from tofu, because chicken, for example, does not tolerate you well. It and the lectins in it irritate the gastric mucosa. Dairy products are a faithful ally of your body, but approach nuts with caution and do not overdo it. If you have blood group AB, exclude pasta and pasta from your eating habits, but emphasize rice in large quantities. Representatives of this type of blood group have a weaker immune system, which can be fed with many fruits and vegetables.
