Effective Natural Remedies Against Rheumatism

Effective Natural Remedies Against Rheumatism
Effective Natural Remedies Against Rheumatism

Nettle infusion is one of the main weapons against rheumatism. Of course, it takes more time and perseverance to have an effect. Nettle infusion should be taken for two to three months to get rid of the pain.

You can make it with 1 tbsp. of the herb - pour nettle with 250 ml of boiling water and leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Then strain and drink three times daily before meals - 75 ml per intake. It is good to prepare fresh infusion every day.

The infusion of birch buds is also suitable for the treatment of rheumatism - you can make a tincture for rubbing, as well as infusion of the herb. The infusion is prepared with about 20 g of the herb - pour half a liter of water. Take three spoons 4 times a day.

Another effective method of treating rheumatoid arthritis is dandelion roots. You need to pour 3 tbsp. roots with cold water - the purpose is the liquid to cover the herb. Then boil them for five minutes and mash them to make a paste.

Spread the paste on a cotton cloth and put a compress on the sore spot. Cover the top with a piece of cloth - the place should be warmed. You can leave the compress on overnight or just for a few hours.

Mulberry syrup is also effective in relieving rheumatism. It can be prepared with white or black mulberries - you need ripe fruit.

The next recipe is by the healer Petar Dimkov. Arrange the fruits of the herb in a jar - put a row of them, a row of sugar and so on until the fruit is finished.

It is important to start with mulberries and end with sugar. Then leave the jar for two or three weeks in the sun. Then the syrup is filtered through gauze, poured into bottles - drink it three times a day, preferably ten minutes before meals. The amount of intake is 1 tbsp.

This syrup also acts as a preventative for joint pain. If they occur, the dose may be doubled. It is a good idea to consult a specialist before you start drinking any of the herbs or making compresses.
