Golden Rules In Nutrition Etiquette

Golden Rules In Nutrition Etiquette
Golden Rules In Nutrition Etiquette

Good parenting includes excellent knowledge and adherence to etiquette, both in communication and in eating. Mastering all the intricacies of good etiquette is the result of long training, which begins in early childhood.

In the past, it was unacceptable for a person from a good society to step on the label. Today, these rules are not so strictly observed, but they have not yet lost their meaning.

The name label itself comes from French and its meaning translates as manner of behavior. The manner betrays how successful someone's home upbringing has been.

In nutrition, etiquette is important, because in an environment of people sitting too close, it is immediately noticeable who is not dealing with it. There are a few basic rules that are easy to learn and can help in emergencies.

See some in the following lines golden rules in nutrition etiquette:

When sitting at the table, the napkin is placed on the knees. If it is necessary to go out during a meal, leave the napkin on the left side of the fork.

The elbows are not placed on the table. This rule was introduced in the Middle Ages, because then the tables had to accommodate many people, and in order to have room for everyone, the rule was invented not to rest your elbows on the table. Today, this continues to be a manifestation of the good tone of the table.

good manner of eating
good manner of eating

When eating, the knife is held in the right hand and the fork in the left, because it is believed that the right hand is stronger and leading.

If something at the other end of the table is to be taken during a meal, the desired object should never be touched. The neighbor will submit it if asked.

If the meal is not over, but you just need to pause, the utensils are placed at an angle in the plate, with their tips almost forming an angle. This means not serving.

The use of toothpicks during meals is incompatible with the label.

In case of urgent need to have a phone conversation, an apology and getting up from the table follows.

You should not talk with your mouth full during a meal, nor should you mess with utensils.

When the feeding is over, the utensils are left in the plate parallel to each other, with their handles pointing to the right hand of the person who used them. This is a sign that it can be served.
