Quality Olive Oil Is Sold In Dark Bottles

Quality Olive Oil Is Sold In Dark Bottles
Quality Olive Oil Is Sold In Dark Bottles

The latest research based on pollen shows that the olive tree existed in Greece as early as the Neolithic. According to mythology, this tree was donated to ancient Greece by the goddess Athena, who taught its inhabitants how to grow it. That is why Athens is often depicted with a wreath of olive branches on her helmet and an amphora full of olive oil.

In the 5th century BC. Herodotus describes Athens as a center for the cultivation of olive groves, and the olive oil they produced was a major item in their exports. Since then, olive oil has become the basis of Mediterranean cuisine and over time has gained popularity around the world. Its huge application in cooking today, olive oil is due to its exceptional taste and health benefits.

The technology of extracting olive oil dates back to antiquity and industrial production and today can not replace the artisanal method. The olives are harvested from November to March. As the Mediterranean region is the most favorable for their growth. It accounts for a significant 98% of the world's olive oil production.

The olives are picked when they begin to change color, which is a sign that they have reached their peak of maturity. On the same day, the olives are taken to the oil mill for processing. If left to stand for more than a day and a half, their taste changes rapidly from the ongoing fermentation processes.

Olive oil
Olive oil

Grinding olives with the help of millstones was invented by the Cretans as early as 2500 BC. They pressed the fruit by hand into spherical stone basins. Today the technology is similar, except that the olives are mechanically pressed from steel stones. In this way the so-called cold pressed olive oil.

Its production does not require any heat or chemical additives. 5-6 kg of olives are needed to obtain 1 liter of olive oil. After a process of light filtration, in which the sediment is removed, the so-called Extra Virgin olive oil with an acidity of 0.8%.

Like wine, each type of olive oil is tasted and its acidity is measured before it is bottled. Just as no two vintage wines taste the same, so do 2 olive oils. Olive oil must be stored in dark glass bottles.

Clear glass cannot protect olive oil from light and it oxidizes quickly. So it is not advisable to buy olive oil in light bottles.
