Useful Properties Of Lemon

Useful Properties Of Lemon
Useful Properties Of Lemon

Lemon tree and its fruits are one of the oldest cultivated plants originating in India. Today, lemon trees grow in subtropical climates around the world, especially in Florida and the Mediterranean. Although the fruit and its juice have a sour taste, lemon is a fantastic buffer for the body and can reduce hyperacidity in the stomach.

Lemon juice and lemon peel have an antiseptic effect, and the leaves of the tree are used to reduce fever. In addition, it can be said that lemons are rich in vitamin C, which in turn strengthens the immune system and acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused to our body by harmful radicals.

Lemons and their therapeutic use have anti-inflammatory action. They help the body cleanse itself by promoting sweating and act as a natural diuretic. Lemons also stimulate the appetite, help digestion, strengthen the body and its defense system, relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels in the skin.


Lemons are known for their useful remedies for gout, urinary retention, vitamin C deficiency, inflammation of the mouth and throat, hoarse voice, digestive disorders, asthma, nervousness, insomnia, palpitations, diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines. Here are some ideas on how lemons can be useful.

1) Boil with a glass of boiling water, 3 tbsp. dried lemon leaves, cover the dish with a lid and let the mixture simmer for about ten minutes. Use the decoction to reduce the temperature and relieve spasms. Drink 2 glasses a day.

2) Sweetened with honey, this tea helps relieve cough and asthma.

3) It is also a cure for insomnia. The decoction promotes relaxation and deep sleep. Drink 1 cup at bedtime.

4) Peeling mask. Grate the rind of a lemon and add a little lemon juice to it, along with two tablespoons of baking soda. Then rub your face vigorously for about a minute and wash with lukewarm water.

5) Use lemon juice sweetened with honey to relieve joint and nerve pain.

6) Aromatic essential oils found in the bark help blood vessels and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
