How To Cook A Fragile Rabbit

How To Cook A Fragile Rabbit
How To Cook A Fragile Rabbit

Rabbit meat is one of the most delicious, healthy and low in calories. Unlike pork, which if you overdo it, you will certainly pile a few rings on top, rabbit meat is recommended even for small children and for people suffering from obesity or diabetes. However, here's what it's good to know if you want the rabbit meat to become tender without feeling its characteristic dryness:

Whenever you cook rabbit meat, choose only home-grown rabbits. They are much more fragile and do not need to be pre-soaked in marinade or salted water.

Wash rabbit of running cold water before treating it in any way. It is not desirable to soak in water for a long time.


Rabbit meat is quite dry, so it is good if you stuff it and bake it whole in the oven, spread it well with a mixture of butter, salt and paprika. You can even cover it with baking paper so that it does not dry out further.

It is best to cook a whole rabbit if you cover it with slices of bacon. In addition to protecting the rabbit from drying out, the bacon will add its flavor to the rabbit meat and make it very tender.

You will not go wrong if you cook the rabbit not in an ordinary baking tray, but in a casserole. Whether you fill it or portion it, there is no meat that does not become tender after it is slowly baked in a casserole. You don't even have to seal the clay pot.

If you have not been able to get a domestic rabbit, it is good to soak it in the marinade before, in which, in addition to water, you have added salt, vinegar and spices of your choice.

Rabbit in Guvech
Rabbit in Guvech

A marinade made of 2 liters of water, 250 ml of vinegar, 500 ml of white wine, a few grains of black pepper, 2 bay leaves, 1 carrot and 1 onion is common and suitable for the preparation of rabbit meat.

Clove can also be added if desired. All this is boiled for about 15 minutes and after cooling, the rabbit is soaked in this liquid, and from time to time it should be turned over. It stays like that for about 5-6 hours.

The rabbit fricassee, which is prepared in a similar way as the chicken fricassee, becomes very tasty. If the oven-baked rabbit still seems too dry, you can prepare it breaded next time. Keep in mind, however, that this will be much more caloric.
