Diets Lead To Nutritional Neurosis

Diets Lead To Nutritional Neurosis
Diets Lead To Nutritional Neurosis

The obsession with dieting among the fairer sex is not from yesterday. Exactly at this time of year the topic of diets is a favorite of the ladies. However, the fuss about food is beginning to take on unexpected proportions.

Scientists and doctors have noticed an increase in the spread of an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa, reports the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

People affected by this neurosis are like obsessed with food, with everything they put in their mouths. In their obsession to consume pure, organic and useful, in this way they give up whole groups of foods, say nutritionists.

They are alarming about the harmful effects of diets popularized as celebrity regimes on ordinary people. One of these diets is the one according to the blood type that Cheryl Cole recommends to her fans. The other is the maple syrup detox diet, with which Beyonce and Naomi Campbell lose weight.

Proponents of the blood type diet claim that people with different blood types should eat different ways and different foods. The maple diet consumes almost nothing but sweetened water. It contains no protein, no fiber, no vitamins and minerals the body needs to stay healthy.

Orthorexia neurosis mainly affects women around 30 years of age. While anorexics focus on the amount of food they ingest, orthorexics are interested in the quality of the food. They went so far as to completely eliminate ingredients such as salt, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy and dairy products from their diet.

In an attempt to comply with these rules, people can go so far as to refuse to eat in restaurants or in foreign households, which can affect their social life, the newspaper writes.

Experts warn that if you give up whole food groups, you can get serious health problems.
