Strange Phobias Related To Eating And Cooking

Strange Phobias Related To Eating And Cooking
Strange Phobias Related To Eating And Cooking

Food is something that most of us enjoy. However, there are people who associate it with unpleasant experiences because they suffer from rare phobias associated with eating. See some of them in the following lines.


The fear of cooking is called magyerocophobia. These people find themselves in a difficult situation at the thought of appearing in the kitchen.


This is the fear of dinner. The idea of gathering family holidays terrifies those suffering from depinophobia. They prefer to eat alone.


This is the fear of wine. People who suffer from the disease may have the same symptoms as people with anxiety: shortness of breath, tremors, vomiting and more.


This is the name of the fear of vegetables. Those who are really afraid of vegetables find that shopping and eating them is a real challenge.


This is the term for fear of peanut butter.

Chocolate phobia

This is called the fear of chocolate. It's amazing that someone may not like a delicious dessert at all!


The fear of eating food that is not pure is called orthorexia. It is observed in more and more modern people.


This is the fear of fish. Just mentioning fish is awful for people with this phobia.
