The Best Herbs For Detox At The Change Of Seasons

The Best Herbs For Detox At The Change Of Seasons
The Best Herbs For Detox At The Change Of Seasons

Usually the detoxification of the body begins to be talked about at the change of seasons. And since it is now the end of summer, you can consider such a purification of the body. It is true that during the hot months we do not eat who knows how stressful, but on the other hand, detoxification will not harm you, but will help your body.

The body needs to be subjected to such a cleansing regimen, especially if you have the following symptoms - constipation, bloated stomach, headache, chronic fatigue, etc. It is a good idea to see a doctor when starting such a regimen. For detoxification, the easiest option is to use herbs.

An extremely popular herb is dandelion - the roots of the plant are used to purify the body. An infusion or cold extract is made from it. You can also trust something different - a dock.

Its healing properties are not only in the aboveground part, but also in the roots. The dock acts as a mild laxative, stimulates the function of bile flow. Extremely rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, E, K, C, E. It also contains iron, mineral salts, phosphorus, sodium, potassium.

You can also try the popular Hollywood green smoothie. For this purpose you need 4 - 5 tsp. finely chopped lettuce, the same amount of spinach, a few stalks of celery, banana, apple and pear. Put all this in a blender, add 2 tsp. water and 2 tsp. lemon juice and beat.

Decoction of tarragon and plantain also helps to purify the body. Put 10-15 g of plantain and tarragon in boiling water and let it boil on the stove for five minutes, then withdraw. Allow to simmer and strain. You can drink after it cools down.

The herb periwinkle is also suitable for cleansing the body of toxins. Infusions from the leaves of the herb can be used. This plant helps with constipation and lazy intestines, it is believed to be effective in expelling worms.

The herb is mainly used as a detoxifier, but if you decide to use it externally, you should know that it will help faster healing of wounds, burns, hemorrhoids, eczema and more.
