Why Is Vitamin B12 So Important And How To Get It?

Why Is Vitamin B12 So Important And How To Get It?
Why Is Vitamin B12 So Important And How To Get It?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key and key role in the functioning of the brain as well as our nervous system. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells.

In fact, it is the vitamin that our body needs in the smallest amount, but on the other hand, even a slight deficiency of it can cause serious in the human system. Its absence can cause permanent damage to the brain, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, anemia, depression.

Vitamin B12 manages to protect us from the development of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Its absence leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis, genetic damage, and the absolute deficiency even leads to cancerous changes in the cells.

Interestingly, no animal or plant can produce vitamin B12. It is produced only by fungi and bacteria, which are found mainly in animal products.

The minimum daily intake of B12 is different for age groups. For babies up to 12 months it is recommended to be 0.5 mcg per day, for children from 4 to 8 years of age it is 1.2 mcg per day, and for adolescents and young people it is 2.4 mcg per day.

Why is vitamin B12 so important and how to get it?
Why is vitamin B12 so important and how to get it?

For pregnant and breastfeeding women it is between 2.6 and 2.8 mcg per day. Even if you exceed the daily intake, it is completely safe and will not harm the body in any way. Excess is excreted in the urine or stored in the liver for up to 1 year.

Elderly people, vegans and vegetarians, as well as people taking certain medications have the highest risk of excess of this vitamin.

Among the foods richest in Vitamin B12 are seafood, such as mussels, octopuses, shrimp and crabs, eggs, liver, beef, lamb and others.
