Weight Loss In The Spring Without Compromising Health

Weight Loss In The Spring Without Compromising Health
Weight Loss In The Spring Without Compromising Health

To maintain the proper functioning of the immune system, nutritionists advise to gradually reduce the use of fats, which are generally a heavy food for the body. Foodstuffs in the form of semi-finished and canned foods should also be reduced. Practice shows that during the cold seasons they are used in significantly larger quantities.

The bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contained in fermented milk products will not allow the immune system to "sleep", but low-fat milks should be chosen, preferably without starch and other preservatives in them.


Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains. Include significant amounts of carrots, beets, cabbage, apples. Constantly, but in small amounts, eat raw walnuts and sunflower seeds.

An effective means of strengthening your immune system is vitamin C. You need a significant amount, but take it from foods: citrus fruits, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, nettles, dock, rosehip tea.

In the spring, the two microelements play a significant role in a painless transition to the warm season: zinc and selenium. The main sources of zinc are: - beef, legumes, pumpkin seeds and others. Seafood, sunflower seeds and whole grain porridge will provide you with selenium.


If you want to follow a weight loss diet, you will have to limit, not to mention forget: bread, alcohol, sodas, chocolate, marmalades and many other sweet and high-calorie foods; very salty foods, pickled products; strong spices.

Do not deprive yourself of potatoes (baked), fish, mushrooms, vegetable oil, a little walnuts. Your diet is a diet, but the body must take a balanced diet. Otherwise, you will be crushed by spring fatigue when spring progresses a little more, and you will find it difficult to bear the summer heat.

In any case, do not forget to drink enough water.

Many people start drinking weight loss products in the spring. This is not recommended. It is better to eat lighter foods, increase exercise and maintain your health.
