Diet For Lazy Intestines

Diet For Lazy Intestines
Diet For Lazy Intestines

The normal number of bowel movements is different for each person, for some it is normal somewhere between three bowel movements per day and three per week, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. The frequency may change over time for you as well as with age, but you can actually get lazy bowels or have too little bowel movement at any time. Often this problem is treated with simple dietary changes.

Lazy gut you can get for many reasons, such as thyroid hormone deficiency, pregnancy and laxative abuse. Stress and travel can also slow down your digestive system. However, there are some serious conditions that mimic lazy gut, such as tumor barriers. Therefore, before taking any action, consult your doctor to make sure that your diagnosis is lazy gut.

The main component of the diet at lazy gut are the fibers. Therefore, include root and green leafy vegetables, apple juice, prunes and other fresh fruits that you eat with the peel, because it contains a large amount of fiber. Eat bran, cereals and unprocessed oats and rice, as processing removes useful fiber. Along with these foods, drink plenty of water, walk and do exercises suitable for peristalsis daily.

American doctors recommend drinking a glass of prune juice every morning. Make sure your diet contains roughage, including bran and green leafy vegetables, by adding two servings of stewed fruit a day. Stick to this diet for at least three days and then on the fourth day drink only water, fluids and teas with a laxative effect.

Beware of using laxatives to deal with your lazy gut, because they are quite effective, but there is a high probability that your gut becomes addicted to them. Accidental enemas are much safer than them, especially if the diet is not so effective.
