Cook Greasy And Pour With Boza Against Lazy Intestines

Cook Greasy And Pour With Boza Against Lazy Intestines
Cook Greasy And Pour With Boza Against Lazy Intestines

If you want to say goodbye to lazy gut, follow these tips and change your diet. Some of them will seem strange to you.

- In the case of lazy intestines, foods rich in cellulose and fiber should be included (vegetables and fruits with coarse cellulose, nuts, wholemeal bread, etc.);

- Exclude rusks, toast, rice and chocolate from the diet. To be consumed in a limited amount of brined cheese and yellow cheese - they have a tightening effect;

- Food should be prepared with larger amounts of fat;

- The menu should include concentrated carbohydrates: honey, jam, halva, jam;


- To consume enough fluids (about 1.5 liters per day), especially useful in the morning on an empty stomach cold nectars, prunes, apricots, red beets, carrots, water with honey or rose jam, fresh cabbage juice;

- Before going to bed to take lightly fermented drinks - boza, kefir;

- Eating often 5-6 times a day, paying enough attention to breakfast;

- Milk and eggs act individually;

- It is useful to diversify the menu with legumes (ripe beans and lentils);

- To exclude from the menu pomegranate, lemons, medlars, cornflowers, cherries and blueberries;


- It is not desirable to consume alcoholic beverages, especially red wine;

- Eat red beet salad more often;

- Black tea, cocoa and coffee should be excluded from the drinks;

- It is good to make periodic unloading days, taking only 1 and кг-2 kg of fruits or vegetables throughout the day, divided into 5-6 portions. From the fruits to prepare fruit salads with honey, cream and nuts, from the vegetables - various mixed salads with olive oil, mayonnaise and others.
