The Drink That Cleanses Toxins From The Intestines

The Drink That Cleanses Toxins From The Intestines
The Drink That Cleanses Toxins From The Intestines

We need food to have energy and to perform various actions. But the body does not use everything we consume, and excess waste must disappear.

During digestion, the body excretes food and slag from the food that goes to the colon. The function of the colon is extremely important for the body - to get rid of "garbage".

If the colon does not perform its function, slag begin to accumulate in the body. This can cause poisoning, which leads to a number of health problems. That is why it is so important to take care of the colon and its work.

Throughout our lives, the body processes 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid. This means that about 7 kg of waste accumulates in the intestines. If you do not get rid of them, they will harm your health and poison your blood. As a result, a person begins to suffer from various serious diseases.

aloe and lemon for bowel cleansing
aloe and lemon for bowel cleansing

When we have sick intestines, symptoms such as constipation, diabetes, slow metabolism, overweight, kidney disease, vision and hearing problems, problem skin, brittle hair and nails, and even arthritis appear.

To cleanse the colon, we will need: juice of 1 lemon, aloe vera and honey (optional).

Start by extracting the aloe vera gel. For this purpose, it is good to use gloves and be careful not to stain your clothes. You need to clear the gel of mucus so that only the inner transparent part of the leaf remains.

Mix the aloe vera gel with the lemon juice and honey in a blender until thick. Drink this powerful drink twice a day.

Aloe and lemon cleanse the intestines of bacteria and toxins, as well as restore the intestinal mucosa, relieve pain and inflammation.

Therefore, you should prepare and drink this drink as soon as possible.
