Enyovche For Thyroid Problems

Enyovche For Thyroid Problems
Enyovche For Thyroid Problems

Enyovcheto is one of the most popular plants in our country. It is a beautiful annual or perennial herbaceous plant of the little-known Brooch family.

There are curved bristles on its edges. It blooms in greenish-white or white inflorescences, with a yellow corolla from May to September. Its fruit is a round smooth nut.

The usable part of the plant are the stems and leaves. They are harvested in September and October. Once dried, they can be used for up to 3 years.

Marigold's medicinal ingredients are due to the latonic, glucoside, tannins, red dye, vitamin C, asperulazide, saponins, essential oils and many others. The easiest way to get it is to dial it. Look for it mostly in the plains and in the low mountain areas.

One of the most important glands in the human body is the thyroid gland. It is responsible for the proper functioning of every organ in the body and most of all - for metabolism.

Her illnesses can lead to a number of ailments and very serious problems. More and more people are suffering from health problems caused by certain thyroid disorders.

Herb Enyovche
Herb Enyovche

For thyroid problems, folk medicine offers many recipes. Some of the most useful are with marigold. It is best to use the herb fresh, not dried.

The recipe for thyroid problems is as follows: 1 tablespoon of calendula is poured boiling water. Strain, cool and gargle with the result. Another option is to make compresses before each bedtime.

The tea used to gargle can be used to strain the liquid. A compress can also be made with the rest of the precipitated particles.

Another option is to combine calendula and horsetail. Equal doses of both herbs are taken fresh. Wash and grind to a pulp with a wooden rolling pin. The result is spread on a cotton cloth. It is applied to the neck before bedtime.

The next day, the neck is washed with lukewarm water. The compresses are made every other day for about two weeks. Then take a break, then - again two weeks of compresses every other day.
