Blackcurrant Relieves Colds

Blackcurrant Relieves Colds
Blackcurrant Relieves Colds

Blackcurrant, also called black currant, is a commonly used fruit not only in cooking but also in folk medicine.

Colds and flu can be relieved by blackcurrant extract. Freshly squeezed fruit juice, to which you can add honey or sugar, relieves a strong cough and hoarseness.

Natural healers recommend fresh juice of the fragrant fruit for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Blackcurrant also helps with gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice.

Infusion of fresh leaves of the plant has an extremely good effect on the stomach. Freshly squeezed blackcurrant juice is also recommended for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

And in conditions of diarrhea it is good to take a decoction of blackcurrant. To a glass of boiling water add 20 grams of fruit, which is boiled for 20 to 30 minutes. The strained decoction is taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Blackcurrant is also a good diuretic. It is used in folk medicine as an effective antidiarrheal agent.

Blackcurrant relieves colds
Blackcurrant relieves colds

The vitamin P contained in blackcurrants has the ability to thicken capillaries. And the combination of vitamins and minerals contained in blackcurrants maintains the strength of blood vessels. The fruit is a valuable source of flavonoids - yellow pigments that protect the body from viruses.

An interesting detail is that the content of vitamin C blackcurrant is superior to almost all berry and fruit crops. Blackcurrants even have two to three times more vitamin C than lemons.

Blackcurrant is also a good source of dyes. They are very valuable because they play an important role in stabilizing vitamin C in the presence of calcium.

It turns out that the cultivation of blackcurrants in Europe began relatively late - only in the XV century.
