Flavors And Specialties Of Algerian Cuisine

Flavors And Specialties Of Algerian Cuisine
Flavors And Specialties Of Algerian Cuisine

Algerian cuisine combines typical elements of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine, which makes the country's cuisine quite different from the usual for the North African region.

The cuisine of Algeria comes from various ancient cultures, which in the past often visited or traded with the country. Among them are the Berber tribes, whose roots date back to 30,000 years BC, and which marked the beginning of the cultivation of wheat and various fruits in the area. Another part of the cereals was introduced much later thanks to the Romans.

The Carthaginians also have an influence on Algerian cuisine. The Spaniards are to blame for the consumption of fruits such as oranges, plums and peaches. The entry of most sweets and tea into Algerian cuisine is the result of years of Ottoman slavery.

The traditional breakfast in Algeria is light. It includes mostly tea or Turkish coffee, which are served with sweet temptations. At noon on the streets you can see a kind of doner kebab made of lamb, goat, chicken, turkey or beef for sale, and the mixture between them is very possible.

Dinner is plentiful and is often eaten late at night, especially during the month of Ramadan Bayram. Algeria produces a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. The most commonly consumed meats are lamb / see the gallery /, seafood and fish, which the locals catch themselves.

At the heart of the local cuisine is Arabic bread, which is eaten with all kinds of food. One of the popular dishes is merquez, which is a type of spicy sausage made with lamb that originated in the Atlas Mountains. Other dishes you can try if you visit the country are Berber couscous, which is traditionally served with meat or vegetables prepared in the form of stew, and shakshuka - a dish from the Maghreb, which consists of eggs cooked in tomato sauce, peppers, onions and spices such as cumin, turmeric and hot peppers.

Karantita is also a dish typical of Algeria, made from chickpea flour. This is one of the favorite foods of Algerians and is made by almost every family. This dish is usually served hot, placed on a baguette, flavored with Harissa sauce and sprinkled with cumin.

The spices most commonly used in Algeria are dried and red hot peppers of various kinds, black pepper and cumin. Sweet seasonal fruits are served at the end of each meal in Algeria.

The most commonly eaten pastries are nougat and asida. Asida is a traditional Arabic dish made from boiled dough to which butter and honey are added. This dish is eaten without the use of dishes and utensils. During Ramadan, a lot of honey is eaten in the country. An interesting fact is that Algeria is the largest consumer of honey per capita in the world.

Mint tea is also very popular in Algeria and is usually drunk at night or during various ceremonies where sweets are eaten. In Algeria, people like to drink Turkish coffee the most. They also drink fruit juices and soft drinks.

In most families, a bowl of cinnamon-flavored fruit is placed on the table at the end of each meal.

Cooking in the country is considered a woman's duty, as it was in the past, with many of the recipes being passed down between generations, word of mouth, especially when women gather together to cook.
