Six Moroccan Super Spices That Will Improve Your Health

Six Moroccan Super Spices That Will Improve Your Health
Six Moroccan Super Spices That Will Improve Your Health

If we look at some basic ones Moroccan spices we will be amazed at how useful they can be for our health. Natural medicine has used the preventive and healing properties of spices and herbs for thousands of years and this tradition is still alive in Morocco. You should know that modern science continues to discover new ways in which spices can heal and strengthen the human body. So go ahead and improve your health with the following Moroccan super spices:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is used almost daily in Moroccan cuisine, mainly to give an attractive color to Moroccan dishes. But this one Moroccan spice is something more. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that contains antioxidants to fight cancer. It also treats a number of problems related to stomach and liver diseases, arthritis and neurological conditions, and current studies show that it can also be useful for improving memory and preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease.

2. Ginger

Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health
Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health

Extremely fragrant, ginger is very important for Moroccan cuisine and is manifested in countless dishes, where it contributes significantly to the taste. For cooking purposes, it is used mainly in powder form. Ginger contains remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, with the ability to lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation.

It is often used in natural or complementary form to help relieve nausea, upset stomach and movement pain, and in traditional medicine is used as an aphrodisiac and mild sedative, as well as to treat colds, fever and respiratory infections, arthritis, migraine and high blood pressure.

3. Cinnamon

Sweet and fragrant, cinnamon is widely used in Moroccan cuisine, where it gives a taste of sweet desserts and spicy creations. Ceylon cinnamon is considered safer for everyday use because it has a lower content of coumarin - a substance that can cause liver damage. All varieties of cinnamon contain antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It can help improve mood, relieve PMS, regulate blood sugar levels and improve blood circulation. It is also used to fight colds and coughs, as well as bacterial and viral infections. New research suggests that cinnamon may be effective in slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease and improving cognitive ability.

4. Nigella or black cumin

Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health
Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health

In Morocco, black cumin often appears as a garnish for bread. These seeds are valued as a powerful natural remedy with a seemingly unlimited application. Islamic tradition cites them as a cure for all diseases, while science has shown them to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including stomach, intestinal and menstrual complaints; inflammatory and respiratory infections; viral and bacterial infections and many others. New research shows that nigella seeds can also be useful in treating autoimmune diseases and cancer.

5. Cumin

Cumin is used in a large number of Moroccan dishes, mostly as a spice and to flavor meat, but also to add flavor to sauces, vegetables, eggs, etc., and its applications extend beyond the kitchen. From a medical point of view, cumin is very useful for the digestive tract - it can help digestion, relieve upset stomach and treat diarrhea. It can also boost immunity, help rid the body of toxins and help fight fungal and bacterial infections. When taken with caffeine, cumin acts as an expectorant. It is rich in iron, high in fiber and vitamin C and contains important minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium.

6. Hot red pepper

Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health
Six Moroccan super spices that will improve your health

Spicy food lovers can enjoy - this one Moroccan spice may be really good for you! Moroccan chefs widely value hot pepper as a spice and often use it. Science shows that this spice helps increase blood circulation, aids digestion and helps detoxify the body. It can help fight fungal and bacterial infections, reduce inflammation and is believed to be helpful in treating migraines and headaches. It can be applied externally to stop bleeding and relieve pain, and although it is spicy, it can soothe an upset stomach, relieve sore throats and relieve diarrhea.
