2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Haidushka herb / Betonica officinalis L, Stachys offinicalis / is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Oral. The rhizome of the wound is short. The stem is up to 60 cm high, erect, quadrangular, sometimes branched in its upper part.
The leaves are opposite, oblong - ovate, toothed. The basal leaves of the plant are heart-shaped, hairy, with long stalks. The stem leaves are only two pairs, the lower pair with larger leaves and the upper pair with smaller ones.
The flowers of the haidouk herb are pink-red, bisexual, gathered in the axils of the upper leaves and on the tops of the stem in dense spike-like inflorescences. The fruit is dry and is composed of 4 back-oval, almost three-walled nuts. Usually the whole plant is hairless. Haidushka herb blooms from June to September. The fresh plant has a strong, specific smell and bitter taste.
Haidushka herb is widespread in Europe and Asia. In Bulgaria it grows in grassy places and bushes all over the country. The herb is also known as woundwort, thistle, crab thistle and chestnut.
Types of haidouk herb
There are about 300 species of haidouk herb, distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North America. In addition to the Stachys offinicalis, the German, forest, upright and sea ranilis also grow in Bulgaria.
Stachys maritima is a perennial herbaceous plant that blooms from June to September. The height of the plant is from 10 to 30 cm. Its leaves are whole. Colors yellow to white. In Bulgaria the sea wound grows on the coastal sands.
Stachys recta is a perennial herbaceous plant, up to 80 cm tall, with pale yellow flowers gathered in vertebrae. It blooms from July to August and is widely visited by bees for nectar and pollen. It is found in dry stony places.

Stachys sylvatica is a species of dicotyledonous plant in the Oral family. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching 80 cm in height. Its colors are purple. In the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the plant blooms in July and August.
Stachys germanica has softer leaves covered with silky hairs, which is why they are often used instead of gauze in the field. Their strong antiseptic action has been established. The herb generally has a milder and weaker effect compared to the healing woundwort.
The medicinal and German woundwort was highly valued by the Bulgarian bandits, who used them as medicinal plants against many diseases, including wound healing, whence come two of the names of the herb - wound wound and bandit herb.
History of the haidouk herb
In ancient times haidushka herb has been declared a panacea. Anthony Musa, the physician of Emperor Augustus (63 BC), was adamant that the herb could cure 47 different ailments and was especially valuable for headaches. To this day, the haidouk herb is used for headaches and as a remedy for facial pain.
Composition of haidouk herb
Haidushka herb contains up to 15% tannins, about 0.10% stahydrin, betonicin and turicin, choline, bitter substances, a little essential oil, saponins, unspecified glucoside, resinous substances, mineral salts, organic acids and carotenoids.
Collection and storage of haidouk herb
The stalks / Herba Betonicae /, which are harvested from June to September, are used from the haidouk herb. Cut the aboveground part of the plant at a distance of 25 cm from the top during flowering. The ground leaves are also picked and added to the stems. Leafless stems and those with damaged leaves should not be picked.
The collected and cleaned of impurities material is dried in ventilated rooms, spreading on boards or bedding in a thin layer. The drug can also be dried in an oven at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. From 4 kg of fresh stalks 1 kg of dry ones is obtained.
The smell of dried stalks of haidushka herb is faint and unpleasant, and the taste of the drug is bitter, especially on the leaves and rhizome. The drug can cause sneezing. When handling dry drugs it is good to put a damp gauze mask.

Benefits of haidouk herb
It is a known fact that haidouk herb stimulates appetite and improves digestion. The plant is used for colic, diarrhea, inflammation of the kidneys, as a tonic for nervous exhaustion.
The herb also helps with dizziness, epilepsy, hysteria, atherosclerosis. It is also used in rheumatism, gout, diseases of the biliary tract. The plant is used successfully in asthma, bronchitis, heartburn, against intestinal parasites, shingles.
Haidushka herb has a calming effect, is used to relieve stress and nervous tension. Infusions of the drug can be taken daily as a relaxing tonic. In British herbal medicine, ranilist is believed to improve nerve function and stop overactivity. Haidushka herb is also effective for premenstrual complaints and poor memory.
When combined with herbs such as comfrey and linden flowers, the plant helps with sinus headaches and congestion. Haidushka herb can be applied alone or with yarrow to stop nosebleeds.
According to our folk medicine, the roots of the haidouk herb even have anti-cancer effects. Some folk healers use the herb as an aid in breast, lung and stomach cancer in combination with other herbs that inhibit the action and growth of the tumor.
Bulgarian folk medicine also believes that the medicinal herb stimulates the movement of the vital energy of the body and at the same time relaxes. Haidushka herb ranks in the rankings among the ten most useful Bulgarian herbs.
It enhances memory, reduces nervous tension in emotional problems, relieves premenstrual complaints and headaches of various natures, but mostly migraines, obtained on a hormonal basis in the days around the cycle.
Folk medicine with haidouk herb
Decoction of haidushka herb is prepared by pouring 1 tablespoon of chopped drug with 600 ml of boiling water and boiling for 5 minutes. Drink 1 glass of wine 2-3 times a day. According to another recipe, 2 g of finely crushed herb is boiled in 800 ml of boiling water, boiled for 3 minutes, then soaked for 1 hour. Drink 5 times a day.
Decoction of ranilist is taken for cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, to increase appetite, cardiac neurosis, diarrhea, rheumatism, jaundice. Crushed leaves, decoctions of the herb and paws heal wounds. In the form of paws ranilist is also used for rheumatism, insect and snake bites, radiculitis.

Tea from haidushka herb has a beneficial effect on epilepsy, pulmonary catarrh, asthma and chronic rheumatism. Mixed with honey, it relieves those suffering from jaundice and dropsy. Boiled with wine with 1 tablespoon of honey or goat's milk, it works on bloody sputum. With nebetsheker tea soothes cough and expels phlegm. Fresh roots, brewed as a tea, have a laxative effect.
Haidushka herb tea can be prepared by soaking 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers in a glass of water for 15 minutes. One or two cups of this tea can be drunk per day.
Bulgarian folk medicine recommends the following medicine against tumors: In 1.2 liters of boiling water put 2 equal tablespoons. wood ash. The mixture is left to boil for 2-3 minutes and covered overnight. In the morning the liquid is filtered, the resulting liquid is about 1 liter.
To it are added 2 equal tablespoons. cornflower roots - dried and crushed and 1 equal tbsp. roots of medicinal woundwort - also dried and crushed. The mixture is then boiled over low heat until 0.5 liters of liquid remain.
In another vessel pour 0.5 liters of water to boil and add to the decoction of herbs to make again 1 liter, then boil for another 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and stay covered overnight. In the morning, the mixture is filtered into two dark bottles of 0.5 liters. Keep cool and dark, but not in the refrigerator.
Take one penicillin bottle of the decoction 4 times a day for 6 hours, half an hour before eating. The treatment lasts at least 7 months, then rests for 30 days and is applied again. Then you can drink every year in autumn, winter and spring, and in summer you take a break. The effect of the treatment begins to be felt in the third month.
Harm from the haidouk herb
No adverse effects from the use of haidushka herb, except that in some cases a mild gastrointestinal disorder occurs. The safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is unknown, so its use is not recommended in such cases.
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