Idea For This Year's 5-course Christmas Menu

Idea For This Year's 5-course Christmas Menu
Idea For This Year's 5-course Christmas Menu

On almost all Christmas and New Year holidays, the same thing is repeated - the constant rush into the crowd in search of suitable gifts, choosing festive clothes and last but not least - planning the Christmas menu.

Which is usually the same thing - stuffed piglet or stuffed turkey, or kapama. Served with Shopska or Shepherd's salad, piles of appetizers (mainly meat), etc.

Here we will offer you an idea how to diversify your Christmas menu this yearso you can break away from the "Christmas routine" and surprise your diners.

1. Salad

The idea of a Shopska or shepherd's salad is not very good in itself, because at that time tomatoes and cucumbers were not seasonal. Russian salad and Snow White salad with pickles are the classics you probably want to escape from. It is better to serve a simple pickle (homemade), a salad of cabbage and carrots, a salad of roasted peppers, roasted eggplant, homemade kyoopolu, a salad of beans, ice cream, etc. Something more traditional and "more winter".

2. Appetizers

Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu
Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu

Here we usually fill the table with sausages, sausages, fillets and more. and if they are prepared by ourselves, we begin to boast of our production. Too banal again. Try the typical Italian antipasti, Spanish tapas or Mexican guacamole tortilla. It takes a little more time to make them, but still Christmas is celebrated only once a year.

3. Appetizer

It is extremely convenient as an appetizer to offer the rest of you from Christmas Eve lean sarmis or stuffed peppers with beans, but your guests will immediately guess how long they have "papered" you. Serve eggplant with a fan or roasted Camembert instead. On our site we offer detailed recipes for both appetizers.

4. Main course

Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu
Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu

Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

Instead of stuffed pork, serve rustic kavrma, which is made from fried pork with lots of leeks and dried peppers, which are then simply baked in a casserole or pan. Or serve the usual Christmas kapama not in a clay pot, but in a pumpkin. For the last dish you can again find a recipe on the site of

Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu
Idea for this year's 5-course Christmas menu

5. Dessert

It is traditionally prepared for Christmas baklava, home-baked gingerbread or other small Christmas cookies or pie. And why not surprise your guests with apple strudel or muffins? This would be a great finish to your update 5-course Christmas menu.
