Homemade Tricks For Delicious Cabbage Sauerkraut

Homemade Tricks For Delicious Cabbage Sauerkraut
Homemade Tricks For Delicious Cabbage Sauerkraut

Sarma - these are stuffed leaves of sauerkraut or blanched fresh cabbage, or vine leaves. Aromatic, juicy and very popular dish in Balkan cuisine. Every housewife has her own secret secrets and tricks in the preparation of sarma.

To prepare delicious cabbage sauerkraut first choose healthy and flexible cabbage leaves by removing the rough part. The main products you will fill them with are: minced meat, onions and rice.

Usually the minced meat is made of beef, pork or a mixture of them. But you can also add the secret ingredient for delicious cabbage sauerkraut - dried or raw smoked bacon, cut into small cubes.

In fact, you can use in the stuffing and smoked breast meat. It will give a special taste and aroma to yours delicious cabbage sauerkraut.

Stuffed cabbage leaves
Stuffed cabbage leaves

The onion is not added together with the minced meat, you have to stew it until it softens in the fat. In addition to delicious sarma should be colorful - for this purpose, add grated carrots, tomatoes or tomato paste.

Fry the minced meat with the vegetables and add the other half raw.

Clean the rice, wash and soak for 15 minutes in cold water, add it to the minced meat and pour warm water in a ratio of 1: 1 (1 teaspoon of rice, 1 teaspoon of water).

For delicious cabbage sauerkraut spices are also important. Mandatory salt and pepper, you can add paprika, savory, oregano and even your favorite, the more spices - the more delicious sarma. Experiment boldly with the familiar minced spices.

The salt in cabbage sauerkraut must be less than usual to balance the salt shell. From the most beautiful, thin and tender leaves you wrap the sarma, and the rough ones you can put on the bottom of the pot or casserole so that the sarma does not stick when cooking.

Stuffed cabbage leaves
Stuffed cabbage leaves

If you used smoked ribs, you can put their bones together with the rough leaves at the bottom, they become fragrant and very tasty. On the already tightly arranged sarma, pour (enough to cover them) salted water or a mixture of army soup and water or some bone broth, cover with whole cabbage leaves and cover.

The most delicious and irreplaceable are the sarmas prepared in a clay pot (casserole), and their cooking should be long (at least 2 hours) and on low heat. At the beginning of a moderate heat until boiling, then reduce the heat to low. The longer - the tastier. At the same time, the kitchen is filled with a well-known native, natural and cozy aroma.

When serving the finished stuffed cabbage leaves you can serve them with yogurt, sour cream or toasted flour sauce and their broth.
