What Does Corn Go With?

What Does Corn Go With?
What Does Corn Go With?

Corn can be perfectly combined with almost all dishes that are traditional and which are mostly prepared in Bulgarian households. It goes very well with the taste of potatoes, rice or any type of vegetable. Of course, it is not a very suitable addition to legumes, although a compromise can be made here as well, as long as it is to your taste.

You can easily combine corn with meat and you will not go wrong if you add to the stuffing for chicken or turkey and a little corn.

During the spring and summer season, when green salads and lettuce are especially revered on the table, corn is a great addition. You can also add a tomato or leave it just a green salad with corn. The combination with tuna, along with lettuce and corn, is also suitable.

Rice with vegetables and corn
Rice with vegetables and corn

In colder weather, when the cabbage is still eaten fresh, you can also take advantage of the presence of corn - cut the cabbage into thin sticks, grate carrots and add cucumber and corn. You will get a delicious and fresh salad, which is actually suitable for any season and is great for an appetizer to brandy.

When cooking rice with vegetables, be sure to add corn - this way you will make the colors of the dish one more. As we know, not only the taste is important, but also the way a dish looks. And yellow will complement the palette of green and red peppers, mushrooms (which turn brown), red tomatoes, orange carrots, black olives and more.

Tuna and corn salad
Tuna and corn salad

Definitely corn is not a helper for weight loss, but in moderation and as a supplement, it is not so fatal for the figure. You can add it to all kinds of salads and main dishes, even to casserole - with or without meat.

As it saturates quickly, it is not necessary to add much to the specific dish. In some parts of the world, corn is added to soups, but in our country it is not as popular as an additive to this type of dishes. Here it is used more for salads, it can be sprinkled as a finish on a pizza pan.

Let's not leave in the background the widely used in culinary terms in our country corn flour, from which porridge is made. Corn can be consumed on its own - boiled and seasoned with a little salt or with a little grated aromatic cheese. Popcorn can also be made from it.
