Beans Chase Drowsiness

Beans Chase Drowsiness
Beans Chase Drowsiness

The origin of beans is sought in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Today it is widespread in Europe and Asia. According to a number of authors and archaeologists beans is the first cultivated legume that was used for human consumption - it has been proven that beans have been grown since ancient civilizations.

As early as 2000 BC. Greeks and Jews ate it. Pliny the Younger in the first century BC. says that beans are sown in Thessaly and Macedonia. He adds that it fertilizes the soil no worse than manure. Beans are also mentioned in the Byzantine agricultural law from the VIII century AD.

Apart from the fact that to this day beans are essential for many countries as an economic crop, it also has many health benefits. Among them, however, stands out a special property of the cousin of green beans - beans chase drowsiness.

IN the composition of the beans the main component is tyramine. It is a vasoactive amino acid that, once in the body, stimulates the release of the hormone norepinephrine in the brain.

This, in turn, has an arousing effect and interferes with the process of falling asleep. Precisely because of these properties, the consumption of beans is not recommended before bedtime.

Beans in Kupichka
Beans in Kupichka

In addition to this special function, beans are one of the first in terms of nutrient content compared to other vegetables. Its immature beans contain 3.6% crude protein, with ripe beans ranging from 26 to 35%, 2.6% sugars and 2.5 mg% vitamin C. In addition, the plant contains the natriuretic agent L-dopa, used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and control of hypertension..

To prepare dishes with beans green seeds and young green beans are more commonly used. Bean flour obtained from mature seeds is used as an additive to wheat flour or as a concentrated feed for farm animals.

A number of studies have shown that bean phenolic compounds directly inhibit the formation of carcinogenic nitroso compounds in the gastrointestinal tract. The seeds also contain condensed tannins such as proanthocyanidins. This means that they may have enzyme inhibitory activity.

It is recommended to consume the beans while they are still fresh and young. Its leaves are also edible both raw and cooked, and are cooked like spinach.
