How Often The Refrigerator Is Cleaned And Thawed

How Often The Refrigerator Is Cleaned And Thawed
How Often The Refrigerator Is Cleaned And Thawed

Cleaning and defrosting the refrigerator are things that every housewife is obliged to do. As annoying as it may seem, these are necessities.

Cleaning the refrigerator

According to some, once a month is enough to clean the refrigerator. Others are more of the opinion that the perfect environment is once or twice a week. In fact, if you have different compartments for different products, and most of them are in boxes or foil, the refrigerator will not get so dirty. Only the designated compartment will need to be cleaned.

So, the first thing you need to do when cleaning your refrigerator is to remove the products. Inspect them and dispose of them unfit for consumption. This regular practice can provide you with the desired place in the future.

To clean the inside of the refrigerator, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one liter of warm water. Remove shelves and drawers beforehand - they are washed separately. Soda helps eliminate odors. Wash the walls, bottom and corners. Use dry baking soda to remove stains. After washing the refrigerator, dry it with a clean towel. Wash the inside of the door and a rubber band around its edge. Rinse and dry with a clean towel. After washing and drying shelves and drawers, put them back.

To keep the refrigerator clean longer you need to take care of a few more things. Empty the ice cube trays and wash them with warm water and soap. Then fill them with cold, clean water and put them back in the refrigerator. Wipe all cans, bottles and jars with a clean cloth. Do the same with fresh fruits and vegetables. Put the food in the refrigerator. A clean refrigerator protects food from spoilage.

Defrosting the refrigerator
Defrosting the refrigerator

Defrosting the refrigerator

New refrigerators do not need to be defrosted, as they do this process automatically. Ice builds up in the back of the appliance while the compressor is running. When it stops, the ice thaws and evaporates. However, if a layer of ice with a thickness of 3-5 mm is formed. your refrigerator, and especially the freezer, must be thawed.

First you need to take everything out of the freezer, all the ice trays and products. Put the frozen foods in a cardboard box and cover them with newspapers. To speed up the thawing process, place a large pan of warm water in the freezer. Do not scrape or hit the ice with various objects - it must melt itself. It is best to put a container in which to collect the melting ice.

If you need to turn off the refrigerator, leave the door. If you don't, you run the risk of mold and mildew.
