Miracle! Healing Recipe With Thawed Water Cures Osteoarthritis

Miracle! Healing Recipe With Thawed Water Cures Osteoarthritis
Miracle! Healing Recipe With Thawed Water Cures Osteoarthritis

The hydrogen isotope deuterium is absent in the water that flows under the melted ice. Its atoms are twice as heavy as the hydrogen atom. Water containing deuterium clogs and impedes metabolism. Cells degenerate and die.

The body of an adult consists of 65% water, and the presence of water with deuterium leads to faster aging, and the immune response changes.

With good immunity, a person will not suffer from painful joints and their distortion. Arthrosis has been treated with thawed water in the past.

Today, patients who drank thawed water received a 45% improvement. People who had a crooked joint and could not use their hands, after a month of treatment could now serve themselves, flipping through pages of a book, which for them was a daunting task due to changes in the small joints of the fingers.

The recipe with thawed water is easy. Fill a large enamel container with fresh water by running it through a cotton cloth to remove coarse contaminants. Cover the dish and leave in the freezer. When the water starts to freeze, remove the ice crust from the surface on top. It contains the isotope diuterium. It freezes first at a slightly higher temperature.

Return the dish to the freezer. Once the water freezes, remove the piece of ice and rinse it under the tap for ten seconds. The ice will be transparent. The water. which is at the bottom of the vessel. discard. In it, the freezing ice has pushed out the dirt.

Ice water
Ice water

The piece of ice is placed in another clean container to melt at room temperature. Drink 1 cup of this thawed water 2-3 times a day - whether before or after meals.

This method of treatment has no duration - it can be applied for months and is harmless.

It is recommended to cook soups, stews, legumes and drinks with this thawed water to keep you healthy and without joint pain.
