Useful Tips For Cooking Fish

Useful Tips For Cooking Fish
Useful Tips For Cooking Fish

Fried fish will become tastier if you soak it for ten minutes in milk, then dip it in flour and fry it in boiling fat. To prevent the oil from splashing and the fish to fry well, cover the pan with an inverted colander.

No matter how big the fish is, it is baked in a preheated oven. If you have concerns that the fish will fall apart when fried, salt it fifteen minutes beforehand.

Boiled fish is ready if its fins are easily separated. Fried fish is ready if, when pressed with a spoon, clear juice flows out of it. Do not fry frozen fish, it will remain raw inside. Defrost it first, but not in the microwave, but in a bowl of cold water.

Cold water should not be drunk after eating fish and fatty foods. Do not store fish together with dairy products, as this can smell like fish.

If the container in which you kept or cooked fish still smells bad, rinse it with vinegar water to remove the odor. The herring will be tender and soft if you soak it in milk for a while before cooking.

Fish with sauce
Fish with sauce

When cooking sea fish, spray it with vinegar or lemon juice before cooking - this removes the strong odor. If you want to cook fish, first make vegetable broth as for soup.

If you want to prepare jelly fish, boil the heads first and only after twenty minutes put the remaining pieces of fish in the boiling broth.

Spoiled fish is mostly known for its unpleasant odor. Its muscle tissue has withered, if you press the fish with your finger, a hole remains, and if you cut it, turbid fluid leaks with bubbles.

Premium frozen fish has a clean surface, no skin tears, abrasions and bruises. The subcutaneous fat of such fish is white, without an unpleasant odor.
