This Is How A Sacrifice Is Made

This Is How A Sacrifice Is Made
This Is How A Sacrifice Is Made

Giving a sacrifice in our lands is much more than just gathering our loved ones and eating a delicious lamb sacrificial soup. For thousands of years, there has been a custom of offering a blood sacrifice to ask for something from God or another higher power.

Sacrifice is not unequivocally accepted by the Orthodox Church because sacrifice is a pagan custom. Although he denies sacrificing and slaughtering animals in this sense, the priests willingly serve health services and consecrate the food prepared for the sacrifice.

Even in the Orthodox Church there is the so-called a dry sacrifice or a bloodless sacrifice, and instead of a sacrificial animal, people bring oil, flour, a bottle of red wine, towels, and towels to church.

If you or your loved one has experienced a severe accident, catastrophe, operation or anything else that brought you to the brink of death, then you must have wondered how to make a sacrifice.

There are no exact rules for making a sacrifice and the traditions in different parts of Bulgaria differ.

Kurban Sharan
Kurban Sharan

Photo: Nevena Blazheva Ivanova

A sacrifice can be made on the date on which the misfortune was experienced or on one of the Orthodox holidays that is close to that date. There is an option to choose a saint, protector of the family or profession and to call the sacrifice on his holiday.

If a blood sacrifice is made, a sacrificial animal is chosen, which can be a lamb, calf, sheep or others. The custom dictates not to choose an animal that digs in the ground, such as a chicken, a rooster, a hen, or is unclean - a horse, a donkey, a pig.

But in many places in our country it is allowed to make a sacrifice from chicken, even from fish, and the fish must be with scales. When cooking an animal for sacrifice, it is preferable to prepare it whole, together with the head.

One of the most preferred sacrifices for sacrifice is the carp, which can be prepared with a variety of fillings. You can find a tried and tested recipe for sacrificial carp with us, and you must remember that the bones of sacrificial carp are not discarded, but must be preserved and then buried in the ground in a place where no one steps.

In the villages it is possible to roast the animal for sacrifice whole, but in urban conditions this is practically impossible, so the city hosts prepare other types of sacrifice.

If the sacrificial animal is a sheep, then a sheep ritual sacrifice can be prepared, and if you have decided to sacrifice a lamb or a spike, then you make a lamb sacrifice or a spike sacrifice, respectively.

These types of sacrifice should not be confused with the classic sacrificial soup, which is usually prepared with many more products than them.

Sheep Sacrifice
Sheep Sacrifice

Photo: Yordanka Taseva

For the preparation of a sheep ritual sacrifice you need 1.5 kg of mutton with bone, 200 g of onion, bay leaf, black pepper and allspice, as well as salt to taste.

The mutton is cut into large pieces and soaked for at least 4 hours in cold water. Then put on the stove, boil, froth well and cook over low heat for at least 1 hour.

Add the spices and finely chopped onion and cook for another 25 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with fresh mint if desired and distribute for health. The meat is not consecrated in advance in the church, it is cooked and then part of the sacrifice is carried to be consecrated by a priest.
