What Are Sour Fruits And When To Eat Them?

What Are Sour Fruits And When To Eat Them?
What Are Sour Fruits And When To Eat Them?

In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on the fact that fruit should be eaten before a meal and not as a dessert afterwards.

They are believed to help with better digestion, as a result of which the accumulation of extra pounds is avoided.

It is also interesting that recently most experts make a distinction between sweet and sour fruits, emphasizing the fact that they should not be mixed, and before eating must be consumed sour, not sweet fruits.

At the same time, in most diets fruits are not included for quite a long time, which is completely wrong.

Fruits are a valuable source of vitamins and you can certainly afford to eat at least one fruit a day, and if you have children, do not stop "stuffing" them with fruit, because they also contain valuable antioxidants.

If you want to follow the advice of the latest fashion trends in nutrition, it is good to follow the golden rule and not to mix sour with sweet fruits.

Citrus juice
Citrus juice

Here the question arises which are exactly sour fruits and which are sweet. Almost everyone can answer this question on their own, as their taste is decisive.

Sour ones include lemons, oranges, tangerines, kiwis, sour apples, sour grapes, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, pineapples, grapefruits and more. However, they should not be consumed in combination with sweet fruits such as watermelon, melon, mango, bananas and others.

Thus, if you consume sour fruits before meals, your body will secrete gastric juices faster and will absorb and break down food faster, and the result will be a lack of weight gain.

The principle of not mixing sweet fruits with sour ones has existed since the invention of a separate diet, which has been proven over time.

With it, the weight does not melt so fast, but if you follow everything strictly, weight loss will be really lasting. Which cannot be said for a number of other diets in which, in addition to losing weight too short, it turns out to be extremely unhealthy.
