When To Consume And Avoid Legumes?

When To Consume And Avoid Legumes?
When To Consume And Avoid Legumes?

Ripe legumes are considered one of the most useful food products for humans. Cooked beans contain a large amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

In fact, the proteins in lentils, and especially soy, are similar in composition to those in meat.

Soy, for example, contains 36.5 g% protein. That is - twice as much protein than beef. It also contains 15.5 g% fat and 26 g% carbohydrates.

Of all the legumes, it is also the richest in vitamins and minerals. Its sprouts contain a significant amount of vitamin C.

Soy also has a sufficient amount of lecithin. This substance plays an important role in the normal growth of the body and the smooth functioning of the nervous system. That is why it is a suitable food for teenagers and people with problematic nerves. However, keep in mind that overdoing it is contraindicated, as it contains a lot of fat.

When to consume and avoid legumes?
When to consume and avoid legumes?

Lentils, in turn, are rich in iron, vitamin B1 and lecithin. It is especially useful for patients with anemia. It is also recommended in smaller amounts for people with liver problems.

Green beans are also one of the best representatives of legumes. It contains little protein and carbohydrates, but at the expense of a significant amount of vitamins C, B2 and carotene. Experts recommend it as an extremely suitable food for diabetics due to its low carbohydrate levels. Suitable food is also for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

Green peas are twice as rich in fat as green beans. In addition, it contains traces of fat and a lot of carbohydrates. It is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin C and lecithin.

When to consume and avoid legumes?
When to consume and avoid legumes?

Legumes are also very useful for the skeletal system. Boiled, they are rich in valuable minerals - phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron.

They are rich in vitamin C. They also contain B vitamins. Peas, soy and lentils also contain carotene.

In case of problems with the gastric mucosa, it is advisable to avoid legumes. They contain a large amount of coarse cellulose and purines, which in addition to irritating the stomach, produces gas.
