Truths And Fabrications About Sparkling Water

Truths And Fabrications About Sparkling Water
Truths And Fabrications About Sparkling Water

Many people tend in most cases to replace a glass of mineral water with soda when they are thirsty.

But is it healthy? Here's what to look for if we want to find the answer to this question on our own. truths and fabrications about sparkling water.

It is believed that carbonated water does not hydrate the body well enough. At the same time, it is believed that the bubbles in it do not hinder hydration.

According to research carbonated water replenishes lost fluids during exercise just as much as normal.

According to another opinion, water subjected to aeration is harmful to dental health.

It has been proven to contain acid that damages tooth enamel, but only if drunk in uncontrolled amounts.

The action can be softened if mixed with fruit acids. Sugar will achieve the same effect. The same conclusions were made regarding the effect of this drink on bone density.

For women, the question is especially important whether this water makes you fat? Probably such a feeling is created because this drink swells the stomach.


However, studies show that all carbonated beverages keep people full longer, especially if drunk on an empty stomach.

Separately, a study on sports medicine concluded that people drink less water after exercise if they only have access to the carbonated water option.

At the same time, children who drink carbonated water freely from the home machine have a better hydrated body than those who do not drink freely.

It should be noted that the acids in unsweetened carbonated beverages are much weaker than previously thought, which means that their effect on teeth is minimal and does not endanger tooth enamel.

In return, soft drinks have an incomparably more harmful effect on teeth than carbonated water.

Therefore, experts advise that a glass of soda is a good end to the day.

However, it is necessary to take into account added sugars, salts or other additives that can cause problems. Reading the label on the bottle will prevent this possibility and will help us better understand the facts and myths about sparkling water.

If you decide to put sparkling water in cooking, see our article on Some delicious cakes with sparkling water.
