Beef Has Been Declared The Most Sporty Meat

Beef Has Been Declared The Most Sporty Meat
Beef Has Been Declared The Most Sporty Meat

Beef has been declared the most sporty by British scientists, as it is most often consumed by athletes due to its low fat content.

How to choose the most juicy, tender and tasty beef to delight the family with mouth-watering bites?

The pale red color is a sign that the animal has often been ill. Too dark color is a sign that the meat is from an old animal.

Veal has been declared the most sporty meat
Veal has been declared the most sporty meat

The meat must be firm and elastic when touched. To make the place really tender, the fresh beef should be greased with oil or olive oil and placed in a container with a slightly open lid for two days in the refrigerator.

If you love beef tongue, be careful when buying! His skin should be free of tears, sores and red spots. If there are any, the animal has been quite ill.

The pink, sometimes beige-colored meat, which is streaked with snow-white bacon, is made from a dairy calf that has not yet begun to eat grass and fodder.

Veal does not tolerate long heat treatment and becomes tough and dry. It is best to prepare it in the form of juicy steaks or stewed.
