The Best Foods For Brain Health

The Best Foods For Brain Health
The Best Foods For Brain Health

Food has a strong effect on the human, whose function weakens, especially with age. "But we sometimes think the brain is a separate system from our body," said Diana Purvis Jaffin, director of strategy and programs for the Institute for Brain Efficiency at the University of Texas at Dallas.

She and other scientists are inclined to correct this misconception, highlighting research showing that certain foods can help maintain mental acuity and prevent Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. These nutrients contain specific compounds that are beneficial for the aging brain.



A study by Rush University found that people who ate one or two servings of arugula a day had the cognitive abilities of someone 11 years younger than them. Among green leafy vegetables, arugula is very nutritious in terms of the presence of many nitrogen compounds, which increase blood flow to the brain by dilating blood vessels (arugula also lowers blood pressure!).



Blueberries are the only fruit that has received special attention in a healthy diet for the brain, and some studies show that they can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by up to 53%. Although all fruits are useful, blueberries are especially rich in flavonoids - antioxidants that can protect the brain from oxidative stress and strengthen the communication of brain cells.

Egg yolks

boiled eggs
boiled eggs

Egg yolk is a rich source of choline, which increases brain health. Choline is converted to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that maintains memory and allows brain cells to communicate more efficiently. Studies show that increased choline intake is associated with improved cognitive function, including better memory.

Olive oil

olive oil
olive oil

Adding small amounts of olive oil to your diet can protect you from age-related loss of brain tissue. Researchers at Temple University have found that consuming small amounts of raw olive oil can preserve memory and learning ability, as well as reduce the formation of two Alzheimer's markers (amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles). Although the exact mechanism is unclear, the antioxidant oleconant found in the oil may have a beneficial effect in this regard.



This seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are essential for brain health. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, which can play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. In particular, DHA helps to limit age-related brain shrinkage.



The fat in these nuts is very good for the brain. Walnuts are particularly high in alpha-linolenic acid, a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid.
