Top 15 Best Foods For The Brain

Top 15 Best Foods For The Brain
Top 15 Best Foods For The Brain

Different foods have different effects on brain irrigation. Here are the best foods that have the best effect on our brain and memory.

An apple

When you have difficulty concentrating, eat an apple. It is rich in ascorbic acid - vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for the absorption of iron. Helps calm the overly active spirit and focus on the essentials.


This sweet fruit is rich in vitamin B12. Helps focus.



It contains a large amount of vitamin B6, which reduces depression and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Lack of insufficient amount of vitamin B6 in the body impairs memory.


We can call the strawberry the fruit of managers. It relieves stress and brings good self-confidence thanks to the pectin with which it is saturated. Great drainage agent. It also reduces appetite, increases the ability to get rid of extra pounds.


Most importantly, orange contains vitamin C.


Lentils are a rich source of vitamin B1, which contributes to our intelligence and good reflexes in sports.



Onions contain substances that lower blood sugar levels, and its high level can cause aggression in children - reduced attention. Great remedy for stress and mental fatigue. Onions improve the irrigation of the brain. You can afford no more than half a head a day.


Carrots slow down the aging process. Vitamin A, which is contained in root vegetables, refreshes the skin and gives it color. This vitamin improves memory - for example, when we need to learn a text by heart, it is good to eat a few carrots. It also activates the metabolism in the brain.


Avocados develop short-term memory when we make a to-do list for the day. It is enough to eat one fruit a day.


Mackerel is a source of tyrosine amino acid needed to manage stress.


Pineapple is a favorite fruit of theater stars and musicians. It keeps the memory active and at the same time contains few calories. It is good to drink one glass of pineapple juice a day.


Lemon has a refreshing effect and increases intellectual receptivity. This effect comes from the shock dose of vitamin C. If you have a difficult lesson or lecture, drink a glass of lemon juice.



Walnuts are a classic means of prolonging mental concentration on serious topics.


Milk contains substances that protect the brain from aging.


It is preferable to eat peppers raw. Pepper contains aromatic substances that help the body release the hormone of happiness endorphins.
