Lose 18 Pounds In 2 Weeks With This Mode

Lose 18 Pounds In 2 Weeks With This Mode
Lose 18 Pounds In 2 Weeks With This Mode

A new diet, whose menu contains mainly bananas, promises to lose the desired weight in two weeks. The diet was invented by a pharmacist named Sumiko and her husband, who also has a medical education - Hitoshi. With this regime the lady managed to lose as much as 18 kilograms. The main thing in the diet is to eat bananas for breakfast, and during the day you must consume warm water.

In just two weeks, there will be visible results from this regime. Breakfast consists mainly of bananas - if one is not enough, eat as much as you need to get full. It is planned to replace this type of fruit with some others, in case for some reason you can not eat a banana. If you still feel hungry after eating the fruit, wait a quarter of an hour.

In case your desire for food has not passed, eat the food you like, but in small quantities. Lunch and dinner are normal - the only condition is not to eat after 18 hours. The rules in this diet basically include avoiding fried foods and being careful not to overeat. Otherwise, the diet does not exclude any food completely - if you feel like something, you can afford it, but let it be in reasonable quantities.

During the day you should drink lukewarm water in small sips - drink the water before meals. After 15 hours, if you feel like eating jam, you can afford a dessert. You can eat a piece of chocolate or one or two biscuits. Of course, it would be best if you replace such cakes with fruit.

We offer you an example of a daily menu, which you can see in the photos above.
