Foods That Will Keep Hunger Away From You

Foods That Will Keep Hunger Away From You
Foods That Will Keep Hunger Away From You

Whether you are trying to lose weight or eating healthier, hunger will accompany you. In order to be full throughout the day, and to have energy for training, you need to eat well and with quality.

For the most part, fiber, protein and fat are considered the trio of satiety foods, as they are absorbed more slowly by the body, which in turn helps the feeling of satiety for longer.

Here a few foods to say goodbye to starvation:

1. Avocado

The creamy texture of the avocado is obtained thanks to the healthy monounsaturated fats, which are absorbed by the body very slowly.

Therefore, avocado helps to suppress appetite. It is rich in fiber, which forms something like a thick gel, traveling through the intestines, which slows down the process of absorption. Avocado is a universal food, you can cut it into salads or sandwiches, use it for snacks or for spreading.

2. Flax

Flax seeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fats. They are an exceptional source of protein. Small seeds do not take up much space in your stomach, but they help regulate appetite.

Flaxseed satisfies hunger
Flaxseed satisfies hunger

The human body cannot break down the hard shell of flax seeds, so you should eat them ground. This will give you maximum benefit. You can add a tablespoon to your muesli or sprinkle them on the salad.

3. Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is made by straining plain yogurt. This removes most of the water in the milk. Only the part with the highest content of nutrients remains in the Greek yogurt. It is a great source of protein.

The creamy texture of yogurt can to lie to the body that you are full. You can add fruits, seeds or whatever you can think of to yogurt.

4. Water

Although water passes quickly through the digestive system, it helps regulate appetite. We often confuse hunger with thirst, especially in the afternoon, when we are pressed by wolf hunger.

Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body. This way you will avoid transgressions with jam or other harmful food. Water protects your stomach from being completely empty, which in turn makes you to feel full for longer.

Drink a glass of water before meals to temporarily fill your stomach. This will allow you to limit the amount of food you eat.

5. Legumes

Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas are an excellent vegetarian source of protein that can be used in soups, salads, stews and more. Legumes are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed more slowly by the body and help you feel full for longer.

Legumes for greater satiety
Legumes for greater satiety

Research shows that legumes help reduce appetite at the chemical level - specific compounds promote the release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which regulates the secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. This helps you stay fuller for longer.

6. Soup

The soup as a food may not satiate you for a long time, but thanks to it you will be able to adjust the portion sizes of the main course.

A Pennsylvania study found that when subjects ate chicken soup before being served lunch, they felt significantly more nourished and consumed 100 calories less.

If you are trying to lose weight, choose soups that are prepared on the basis of vegetable broth such as saturating foods.

Avoid high-fat creams.

7. Cheese cottage

Cottage cheese is a useful choice for snacks for people who follow diets. It has a very low fat content compared to other cheeses and is a good source of protein. The cottage can be consumed with fruit or in combination with something salty.

8. Meat

The high content of protein and fat in meat means that it is absorbed more slowly by the body. The meat is chewed for a longer time, which too contributes to the feeling of satiety. Many studies show that there is no difference between the absorption of beef, chicken or fish. But fish and lean chicken are healthier.

Meat chases hunger
Meat chases hunger

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a breakfast for champions. Its dense and creamy texture is due to the soluble fibers called beta-glucans. Not only do they travel slowly through our digestive system, keeping us full until noon, but also help lower cholesterol.

You can make your oatmeal even thicker and more nutritious by adding milk or seeds, and why not fruit.

10. Almonds

Almonds are a great source of healthy fats and are a great snack between meals to help you to control your hunger. But you have to watch the portion sizes. Note that the effect of nuts, reducing hunger, takes about half an hour before you feel it.
