The Power Of Juices

The Power Of Juices
The Power Of Juices

Carrot juice, which is extremely cheap in the fall, is a real treasure trove of vitamins, with a particularly high percentage of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

In addition, carrots contain potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus, phytoncides and iodine. Carrot juice is recommended in the absence of vitamins, in the absence of appetite, to activate intercellular recovery processes, in anemia and gastritis.

Carrot juice is also recommended for myocardial infarction, as well as for nursing mothers to increase the amount of milk. The use of carrot juice is not recommended for ulcers.

For best effect, consume one glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice in combination with a teaspoon of honey three times daily after meals.

Tomato juice is also relevant in the fall. Ripe tomatoes contain proteins, enzymes, amino acids, fructose, organic acids, vitamins B, C and K, potassium, zinc, iodine, iron.

The power of juices
The power of juices

Tomato juice stimulates the appetite, activates digestive processes, acts prophylactically against atherosclerosis, helps the process of normalization of cholesterol metabolism.

In terms of vitamin C, tomato juice is not inferior to oranges and lemons. Lycopene, which is contained in tomatoes, is especially important for men's health. Tomato juice is consumed in one glass three times a day.

Pumpkin juice is seasonal and is best when squeezed in October from fully ripe pumpkins. It contains cellulose, phytin, protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and cobalt.

Pumpkin juice is drunk in a state of general fatigue, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney disease and various edemas. It is invaluable for the prostate.

The juice, tested before going to bed with honey, calms the nervous system and promotes good sleep. Zucchini is a relative of pumpkin, but is poorer in carbohydrates and carotene, so it has more vitamin C. Zucchini juice is drunk three times a day, sweetened with honey, after meals.
