Black Pepper Cures Angina

Black Pepper Cures Angina
Black Pepper Cures Angina

The spicy ingredient contained in black pepper, which makes us sneeze, also helps to lose weight, according to a study. Piperine successfully fights excess body fat and also prevents the accumulation of new ones. Researchers believe that black pepper should be used to treat obesity.

It is even recommended to add ½ tsp to green tea, which helps us fight weight gain. ground black pepper. In this way the effect of tea is enhanced.

This, of course, is not the only benefit that black pepper can bring us. The spice also has antibacterial properties - it is an extremely effective remedy for colds, coughs, sore throats.

The easiest way to use it is to add it to the already prepared soup. Another recipe from folk medicine includes besides black pepper and honey.

Mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tbsp. pepper - mix well so that the pepper can be distributed everywhere. From this mixture take 1 tsp. at least three times a day. The recipe is effective for bronchitis and angina.


There is another version of the recipe - in addition to honey and pepper, use nutmeg. Put ½ tsp. and from it and from the black pepper in the honey. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture again, but do not swallow the healing mixture immediately - keep it in your mouth for a while.

There is another recipe for sore throat, for which you will need brandy. This method is not suitable for use on pregnant women, infants and young children.

Take a piece of cotton wide enough to go around your neck, soak it in brandy and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Then put a cotton ball on your throat and put a woolen scarf on top. With this compress you have to stay overnight.

If the weather allows, you can also make mulled wine, in which, as you know, black pepper is also added, but this time in grains. This recipe will quickly relieve you and drive away coughs and colds.

Black pepper can also be used to improve digestion, respiratory problems, sexual disorders, joint pain, muscle disorders, nerve problems and more.

According to a recent study, piperine, which is contained in black pepper, enhances the cognitive functions of the brain and successfully fights depression.
