Snail Caviar Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Snail Caviar Is Becoming Increasingly Popular
Snail Caviar Is Becoming Increasingly Popular

We would hardly have known about the snail caviar if the village worker Dominique Pierou had not despaired enough to wonder how to connect the two ends.

As he looked desperately at the grapes, which did not bear enough fruit, he saw a snail and received an insight. Dominic decided to build a snail farm, but not to use their meat, but their caviar.

His wife laughed a lot at his idea, but when they sold their first kilo of snail caviar for two thousand euros, her laughter stopped. However, to obtain this product requires a lot of hard work.

In a special building, huge snails walk on wooden beams, feeding only on fresh grass and ecologically clean additives. A certain humidity is maintained in the room and water is sprayed from time to time. And everything is done to give a snail four grams of caviar a day.

At first glance, it seems that this is money from the air - you just collect the caviar grains under the snail and get rich. But to get four grams of caviar, farmers have to dig up fifty grams of land in which the snail buries its future offspring.

The soil-contaminated caviar goes to a high-tech laboratory, where each berry is processed by people dressed as surgeons. They wash the caviar well, sift it and separate it grain by grain with tweezers.

Years ago, snail caviar failed because at the time, in the 1980s, caviar was unpleasant to taste. Modern technology allows it to become soft and gentle.

The aristocrats in France are just crazy about snail caviar and the Pieru family can't fulfill all the orders. However, caviar importers have banned the farmer from officially calling his product caviar, so he sells it under the name "forest pearls".

He currently breeds seventy-five thousand snails and supplies delicatessens across Europe with his delicious product. Apart from snails, one can also get rich from other snails.

For example, frogs are sold in Italy, France, Spain and China, where they prepare delicacies using their legs. Expensive shoes are sewn from their skins.

The home-grown cockroach business is popular in the United States. They require modest amounts of food, multiply rapidly, and are then purchased from pet stores that offer them to owners of birds, reptiles, and fish.
