Bulgaria Is Becoming A World Producer Of Saffron

Bulgaria Is Becoming A World Producer Of Saffron
Bulgaria Is Becoming A World Producer Of Saffron

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. It is a spice derived from the flowers of the saffron crocus. It originates from Southwest Asia, and today it is cultivated and successfully grown in our latitudes.

The conditions for growing saffron in our country are more than good. According to the Bulgarian Association for the Production of Saffron and Saffron Products, our country has the opportunity to become a leader in production and export in just a few years.

The analyzes show that in Bulgaria are the best conditions for growing the expensive spice. If in 2016 2,500 decares are sown with bulbs of blue crocus, from which saffron is obtained, then in the next five years we will produce up to 100 tons of dry spice.

Experts have calculated that a decare of crocuses produces an average of 1.5-2 kg of saffron in the first year. In each subsequent yield increases, eventually reaching 3 kg. Planting and care will cost the state BGN 60 million, which will be paid many times over.

Growing saffron in our country would employ more than 200,000 people in areas where unemployment is a problem. Smolyan, Kardzhali and the mountainous areas are perfect for this.

Saffron spice
Saffron spice

Today, only 850 decares of saffron are grown in Bulgaria. However, it is not made of quality bulbs and no rules are followed when growing it, which leads to insufficient yields.

In the following days, the home organization organized an international conference to which experts from Iran and the Netherlands were invited. Currently, the largest exporter of the spice worldwide is Iran, which produces and exports over 170 tons per year.

Foreign experts will give valuable advice to local experts on how to properly grow the spice. They will explain all the benefits that saffron can bring to our country. Currently, a kilo of the valuable spice is bought at a price of 10,000 euros.
