Sauerkraut And Potatoes Are Becoming More Expensive

Sauerkraut And Potatoes Are Becoming More Expensive
Sauerkraut And Potatoes Are Becoming More Expensive

Traders warn that this year sauerkraut will rise in price by up to 1 lev per kilogram. The jump in prices will also reach the potatoes due to the torrential rains that ruin the harvest.

At the moment, the price of cabbage is relatively high compared to previous years. The average price is 1 lev per kilogram, but in some places cabbage can be found for 70-80 stotinki per kilogram.

Producers from Plovdiv and Pazardzhik state that there is no prospect of the price of cabbage starting to fall, which means that this year Bulgarians will put sauerkraut at higher prices.


The producers blame the heavy rains, which ruined the harvest, for the rise in prices. In many parts of the country, high humidity has led to cabbage rot and the appearance of various pests that have made vegetables unsaleable.

The country's major trading exchanges currently sell cabbage for between 35 and 60 stotinki per kilogram wholesale.

The sauerkraut campaign will start in about a month, and November is the month in which the largest quantities of vegetables are bought.

Many people make sauerkraut mostly because of the sarma leaves, but there are also fans of sauerkraut salad and cabbage juice.

Sour cabbage
Sour cabbage

In the domestic markets this year there will be imported cabbage from Turkey and Macedonia, but its price will not differ from the Bulgarian cabbage, because the vegetables in our neighbors were also affected.

The price of Bulgarian potatoes will also jump, because due to the torrential rains they have started to rot. Most of the crops have been lost since the spring rains.

If the rains continue with the same intensity for another 2 weeks, there is a real danger of a mass rotting plague among the potatoes, warned the head of the relevant association Ventsislav Kaimakanov.

At the moment, the price of potatoes is below 50 stotinki per kilogram wholesale, but producers say that in the coming months their values will go up.

Imported potatoes from Germany, Poland and the Netherlands are also available on the market, the price of which does not differ much from local production.
