Blood Pressure Lowering Products

Blood Pressure Lowering Products
Blood Pressure Lowering Products

Proper nutrition is very important in high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you should emphasize the consumption of dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as well as products low in fat and cholesterol.

Eat foods rich in useful vitamins and elements. Include celery in your menu. It contains phytochemicals known as phthalides.

They relax the muscle tissue of the walls of the arteries, which allows easier passage of blood, which in turn reduces blood pressure.

It is enough to add two stalks of celery to your salad - this will charge your body with the optimal dose of phthalides. Celery will saturate your salad and dishes not only with useful substances, but also with a wonderful aroma.

Blood pressure lowering products
Blood pressure lowering products

Some species of fish lower blood pressure. These include salmon, mackerel, trout, cod and tuna. Omega 3 fatty acids dilute the blood, which facilitates the work of the heart.

To have normal blood pressure, eat healthy fish twice a week. Broccoli is a source of nutrients that lower blood pressure.

These are potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and cellulose. One cup of steamed broccoli contains over 200 percent of the daily required dose of vitamin C for your body.

Broccoli is a powerful antioxidant and relaxes the walls of blood vessels at the expense of a calming effect on the nervous system. Two hundred grams of broccoli a day will regulate your blood pressure.

Limit products that contain large amounts of salt - cheese, salami and canned meats and vegetables. Reduce salt consumption to a minimum.
