Tapenade - The Caviar Of The Poor

Tapenade - The Caviar Of The Poor
Tapenade - The Caviar Of The Poor

The main ingredients of the sauce Tapenade are olive paste, anchovies, capers and lemon juice. Apart from being very tasty, it is also very easy to prepare.

Olive paste was prepared by the ancient Greeks and Romans. From the beginning, the olives were crushed by hand in a mortar, and then stone mills were used for this purpose. The Roman author Columella mentions olive paste in his work On rural affairs in the first century AD. He described the olive paste called sampsa as a dish that attended the most exquisite and rich meals.

The tapenade is a modern version of olive paste. About 100 years ago in Marseille, the chef of the restaurant Maison Dore, Monsieur Menier, added capers, anchovies and lemon juice to the traditional Greek dish.

The sauce was called Tapenada because in Provencal tapeno means capers. In southern France, the sauce is known as the black butter of Provence and the caviar of the poor. There the Tapenade takes its rightful place.

Old chefs claim that the real sauce is made only with olives from Nice and capers from Toulon. But many other chefs diversify the sauce by adding garlic, rosemary, thyme, fresh onions, sun-dried tomatoes and even a few drops of cognac. There is also a tapenade of green olives.

The delicacy, made by the French chef, quickly spread to Europe and later around the world. Many restaurants, while waiting for the main course, offer a toast with Tapenada. Its application became more and more widespread. It already replaces the spaghetti sauce, it can taste fish or meat.


Many famous chefs practice mixing fish and meat products. They prepare stuffing from Tapenade, which is placed on a thin pork or chicken steak. It is rolled up and baked or simply fried.

There are quite original and extravagant versions of the Tapenade. Some chefs add mushrooms and even truffles.

Others replace anchovies with figs and walnuts, and add balsamic vinegar instead of lemon juice. There is also a white tapenade made from mayonnaise, fresh cream, feathers and spices. Sometimes it happens that only the name remains from the original version.
