Diet With Purine-poor Products

Diet With Purine-poor Products
Diet With Purine-poor Products

Purines are substances that are contained in all food products. All cells in our body contain purines.

For some health problems, it is necessary to follow a diet and eat foods low in purines. This is necessary if we suffer from kidney and bladder stones. They are formed when the body accumulates excess uric acid. This condition is known as gout. In obesity, we should also follow a diet and limit ourselves to foods rich in purines.

Foods high in purines are protein foods. These are some types of meat (game, goose), fish (mackerel, herring, anchovies), seafood (caviar and mussels), offal (brain, kidneys, liver), various sauces and broths, nuts (peanuts).

When following a diet low in protein, it is good to avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta.

The dairy products you consume should be low in fat.

Also limit the amount of fruit you eat.

The meat suitable for a diet with purine-poor foods is chicken and some fish.

Drink plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Alcohol should be kept to a minimum, and it is best to eliminate it altogether.

Useful foods in this regimen are eggs, cheese, fresh and yogurt (low-fat or skimmed), bread, fruits and nuts (without peanuts).
