Drink Quince Juice For A Healthy Heart

Drink Quince Juice For A Healthy Heart
Drink Quince Juice For A Healthy Heart

Quinces are very good for the heart, although many people do not know it. This tasty and fragrant fruit is suitable not only for the preparation of compotes and jams, but also for the preparation of useful juice, which improves the work of the cardiovascular system.

Quinces contain many useful substances for the body - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, selenium and copper. Quinces contain a very large amount of vitamin C - more than lemons. In addition, quinces contain other vitamins - vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6.

Quince contains many flavonoids that have a healing effect on the heart. They also reduce the fragility of capillaries and protect blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, which has a good effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory system.

Quince juice is prepared only from well-ripened fruits with a bright yellow color. If you have plucked from the tree or bought still green fruits, you have to wait from 1 week to 2 months for them to fully ripen. Thus, the tannins in them will decrease and the content of fruit sugar will increase.


Once the quinces are fully ripe, the bark is peeled and the dark and bumpy areas are cut. Grate the fruit and squeeze until all the juice is drained. You can make jam from grated fruit. Heat the quince juice over low heat to 80 degrees and immediately strain through 4 layers of gauze.

Heat again to 80 degrees, pour into bottles, close well and sterilize for 10 minutes. You may not sterilize it if you are going to use it right away - in that case, store it in the refrigerator and warm it before drinking.

The delicious and useful quince juice is drunk sweetened with honey in half a glass a day. In winter, it is very important for health, because in addition to taking care of the heart, it strengthens the immune system and fights colds. And if you have already caught a cold, add the quince core to the juice and boil it for 2 minutes. Strain and drink two teaspoons every two hours.
