Which Fruits Contain The Most Sugar

Which Fruits Contain The Most Sugar
Which Fruits Contain The Most Sugar

Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They are rich in cellulose, antioxidants and other phytochemicals useful for the body.

Unlike many foods, fruits are rich not only in sugar but also in nutrients that give the body a feeling of satiety and help the sugar to be absorbed more slowly.

In this way, the body receives a longer-lasting charge of energy. A big problem for modern man is the fact that he consumes too much sugar.

Stress causes many people to reach for different types of sweets with which they want to calm their nervous system. But excessive consumption of sugar leads to inflammatory processes and the development of many diseases.

As for the fruits, some of them are considered more useful than others because of the level of sugar in them. Since dried fruits and fruit juices contain concentrated sugar, it is more beneficial to eat fresh fruit.


If you eat more fruits that contain a low level of sugar, this will help you reduce your overall sugar intake. Remember to also limit white bread, because it also contains sugar.

Low-sugar fruits include lemons and limes, raspberries and blueberries. Fruits that contain a small amount of sugar are strawberries, melons and watermelons, papaya and peaches.

Such are also nectarines, apples, guava, apricots and grapefruit. Medium-sugar fruits are plums, oranges, kiwis, pears and pineapples.

The fruits with the highest sugar content are tangerines, cherries, grapes and pomegranates, figs and bananas, as well as all dried fruits.
