Deficiency Of The Trace Element Boron

Deficiency Of The Trace Element Boron
Deficiency Of The Trace Element Boron

One of the necessary trace elements (micronutrients) in the human body is the pine. About half of the total element in the human body is in the bones of the skeleton and teeth. A significant amount of boron is present in the blood plasma of newborn babies, but from the first years of life this amount decreases. In addition, boron is present in the brain, lungs, muscles, lymph nodes, liver, kidneys, and testicles in men.

The role of boron in the human body

The trace element boron participates in mineral and energy metabolism. Its role in the formation of bone and muscle tissue is especially important. The element is actively involved in the development of the musculoskeletal system in childhood and adolescence. In adults and the elderly, pine is responsible for the normal functioning of the joints. Protects the body from the development of osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis. This trace element is especially important for women during menopause. Adequate content reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Boron is involved in regulating the proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus in bone tissue. In addition to the direct effect on skeletal formation, the element affects the musculoskeletal system through vitamin D. It promotes the transition from the inactive form of this vitamin to the active one, which occurs, as you know, under the influence of sunlight.

The micronutrient is important for the normal functioning of the body's hormonal system. Under its influence, the production of female sex hormones (estrogens) and male testosterone increases. The trace element is especially important for women during menopause, it relieves the unpleasant symptoms of this period.

Deficiency of the trace element boron
Deficiency of the trace element boron

Participating in energy metabolism, boron promotes fat burning. It is part of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins. The nutrient reduces the amount of oxalates and thus has an excellent prophylactic effect against kidney stones, gout.

The interaction of boron with other minerals is related to its biological role in the body. Most closely interacts with magnesium, calcium, fluorine. Has an effect on the concentration of vitamin D. Inhibits the action of vitamin C, reduces the absorption of bioflavonoids. Boron compounds have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects, and also contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism.

Boron deficiency

Man's daily need for pine is 1-3 mg. A little more pine is needed for menopausal women, athletes with intense training. The need for the nutrient can be provided with complete nutrition.

Sharp deficiency of the trace element boron is rare. The signs of lack of boron in the body are similar to the phenomena of vitamin deficiency and osteoporosis:

- slight pain in the joints during exercise;

- imbalance of sex hormones;

- arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;

- reduced immunity.

Insufficient intake of micronutrients in the body or problems with its absorption often lead to a chronic lack of the element without the manifestation of clear symptoms. As a rule, the deficiency of microelements intensifies the course of other pathological processes. The course of dystrophic processes in the connective and bone tissue worsens in osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. The clinical manifestations of osteoporosis intensify, the disease develops earlier.

Boron deficiency provokes the development of diabetes mellitus, the appearance of early menopause, urinary stones.

It has a particularly negative effect insufficient intake of boron with food on the female body. This leads to a violation of hormonal status, development of mastopathy, oncological neoplasms in the reproductive sphere.

Sources of boron for the human body

Nutrition is the main source of the trace element boron and is usually sufficient to maintain normal values in the body. Plant foods contain much more than animal foods.

Deficiency of the trace element boron
Deficiency of the trace element boron

Mostly legumes are rich in pine: beans, peas, lentils and others.

Buckwheat has a high content of this important microelement. Most of the vegetables are found in broccoli, beets and tomatoes.

Apricots, pears, apples, grapes, kiwis, cherries, avocados - contain enough pine.

Nuts, honey - excellent sources of pine.

There is very little trace element in milk and dairy products. Meat and fish are also poor in pine. But in seafood is enough.

Attention! Overdose of boron through food is almost impossible. When used in the form of food supplements, follow the dosage. Overdose makes the element toxic and leads to severe consequences!


In Israel, where drinking water contains high concentrations of boron, arthritis and osteoarthritis occur in only 10% of the country's population, while in countries where water and food are poor in this substance, this figure reaches 70%.
