Here Are The Superfoods For

Here Are The Superfoods For
Here Are The Superfoods For

Superfoods they are gaining more and more popularity and are more and more often present at our table. Although for most of us some of these superfoods may be too exotic, it's worth considering whether it's still worth trying. However, superfoods are not accidentally called so - they are not healthy and in addition to containing all the essential nutrients, they support and protect our immune system.


Insects, and crickets in particular, are full of protein, which scientists say is reason enough to declare them superfoods. Not only are they nutritious, but the consumption of insects also has a beneficial effect on the environment.

You can include insects in your menu in the form of protein powder to prepare various biscuits, cakes or shakes. We must not forget that in many countries fried locusts are considered a delicacy.


The UN has declared 2016 the year of bean seeds. These plants account for more than 75 percent of diets in developing countries, but only 25 percent in developed countries. Legumes contain 20-25 percent protein, which is quite close to their levels in meat.



Experts have already announced the amaranth for the new quinoa. Amaranth is a plant that requires minimal culinary processing. it can be added to soups, stews, salads and more. It is rich in protein, fiber, important minerals and vitamin B.


For those who do not know, we will specify that teff is an African wheat plant with high nutritional value. Its taste is close to that of quinoa or amaranth. Teff is high in fiber and a number of nutrients, but is especially valuable because it does not contain gluten.


You may hear them call the moringa a miracle tree or the tree of life. Moringa is found in African and Asian countries and almost every part of this plant is edible - pods, leaves, seeds. In addition to the food industry, moringa is also used in cosmetics and medicine.



Kefir, which was especially popular in Bulgaria a decade ago, is back in fashion. This fermented milk drink has a high nutritional value and is rich in probiotics. According to experts, kefir is superior to even yogurt.


Algae are an extremely powerful antioxidant, they have the ability to cleanse toxins from the body, in addition, they contain almost all amino acids, as well as a whole bunch of vitamins, including B12.

But they have a number of other advantages - they grow quickly, do not need fertilizing or watering. Unlike many other crops, they do not pollute the environment during their production, but on the contrary - clean the oceans of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Food waste

More and more restaurants and large food chains do not throw away the rest of the food, but find creative ways to utilize it. Master chefs develop recipes that allow them to prepare delicious dishes from the edible parts of plants, from leftover dough and more.
